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The Pre-DAO is a system where LUXON members propose agenda for upcoming DAO and decide the official execution of these agendas through user voting.
Step 1 : Proposing Pre-DAO Agenda When the Pre-DAO period begins, members can use 'Proposal Token' to propose an agenda until 72 hours before the Pre-DAO ends.
Step 2 : Proceed Voting on the Pre-DAO Agenda Members with 'Pre-DAO Voting Tokens' can cast votes on the proposed Pre-DAO agendas.
Step 3 : LUXON Team's Polishing Procedure for Official DAO After the Pre-DAO period is over, Pre-DAO agendas that acquire the majority of the Pre-DAO Voting Tokens will go through an internal polishing process by the LUXON Team.
Internal polishing includes correcting spellings, and typographical mistakes as well as conducting translations for various languages if needed.
Any agendas that fail to acquire the majority of vote will not be proceeded on the official DAO.
Step 4 : Official DAO for Pre-DAO Agendas Official DAO will be held to Pre-DAO agendas. In the official DAO, all LUXON members have the opportunity to vote on the agendas by using their DAO Points.
Step 5 : Proceed In-game Implementation Depending on the Official DAO Result. In the event of final approval within the official DAO, development for in-game implementation commences
Any agendas that fail to acquire the majority of vote will not be implemented.
Pre-DAO proposals that fail to obtain agreement from the majority will not be enlisted in the official DAO.
Even if a Pre-DAO proposal obtains agreement from the majority, it may not be enlisted in the official DAO if it disrupts the project's overall balance or proves unfeasible from a developmental perspective.
Separate announcements will be provided through the official community for agendas that could not be enlisted in the official DAO.
Usage of profanity, obscenities, and violent or offensive language that might cause discomfort or hatred towards others can result in the immediate removal of proposals & account suspension without prior notice.
Regardless of obtaining the majority's consent, proposals unrelated to the LUXON and DESPERADO B218 will not be registered to the official DAO and could be removed without prior notice.
Proposals presented in Pre-DAO can only be voted on with YES / NO.
Even if Pre-DAO agendas receive final approval in the official DAO, actual implementation might take time, depending on the development schedule.
Criteria for Majority Consent in the Pre-DAO System
The 'Criteria for Majority Consent' may vary based on the number of proposed items during the Pre-DAO period and the count of Voting Tokens issued within that Pre-DAO timeframe.
💡 How to calculate Criteria for Majority Consent : (Total number of Pre-DAO Voting Tokens ÷ Total number of proposed Pre-DAO agenda) × 0.5 = Criteria for Majority Consent
If Criteria for Majority Consent ≤ Number of Voting Tokens cast on affirmative vote = Passed the Criteria for Majority Consent → Step 3 will be proceeded
If Criteria for Majority Consent > Number of Voting Tokens cast on the affirmative vote = Majority Threshold not met → No official DAO proceedings.
An exclusive item that can be used only during the designated Pre-DAO period. This item allows LUXON members to propose Pre-DAO agendas that they wish to proceed within the official DAO.
An exclusive item that can be used only during the designated Pre-DAO period. This item allows LUXON members to vote on Pre-DAO agendas, exert influence over the official DAO progression of agendas proposed within Pre-DAO.
Proposal Tokens will be provided according to the snapshot conditions met in LUXON and DESPERADO B218 on the snapshot date.
Over 70 Points
65 ~ 70 Points
55 ~ 64 Points
45 ~ 54 Points
35 ~ 44 Points
25 ~ 34 Points
15 ~ 24 Points
0 ~ 14 Points
Proposal Token will be distributed to LUXON Inventory, and will be available to find at [My Wallet - Etc] Section.
Voting Tokens will be provided according to the snapshot conditions met in LUXON and DESPERADO B218 on the snapshot date.
Over 70 Points
65 ~ 70 Points
55 ~ 64 Points
45 ~ 54 Points
35 ~ 44 Points
25 ~ 34 Points
15 ~ 24 Points
0 ~ 14 Points
Members can check their existing Voting Tokens in the voting process popup.
The provided Proposal Tokens and Voting Tokens are valid for designated periods.
Proposal Tokens and Voting Tokens that remain unused within the designated timeframe will be deleted thereafter, and cannot be restored.
Snapshot point conditions for Proposal Tokens and Voting Tokens are subject to change depending on seasons.