

The Scout system requires the user to use 2 heroes as materials to recruit a new agent. The new agentโ€™s Stats and trait will be based on the 2 material heroes.

The material agents used for Scouting are not destroyed.

Scouting conditions are as follows.

  • Users need to โ€˜Spirit Linkโ€™ 2 agents with unused Charisma. โ€“ Users cannot use agents with 0 Charisma.

  • Only agents of equal Grade can be used as material.

Scout: Expected Outcome

The user can expect the following results from using the โ€˜Scoutโ€™ system to recruit a new agent.

  • User can obtain an agent with a greater stat level.

  • User can obtain an agent with Unique Skills.

Scout: Recruited Heroโ€™s Tier Rate

Agents of the same Grade can be used to Scout, regardless of their Tiers. However, their Tiers can impact the recruited agentโ€™s Tier.

The rates for each Tier will be revealed in the near future.

Scout: Recruited Heroโ€™s Stats Rate

The Stat level of the recruited agent is determined by the Grades of material agents.

The rates for a newly recruited agent to obtain different Stat level, in relation to the agent Grades, will be revealed in the near future.

Scout: Recruited Heroโ€™s Skill Rate

The newly recruited agent has a set rate of having skills. The rates for a recruited agent to have Skills will be revealed in the near future.

Last updated