Basic Feature

📌 Regarding with Division System (23/07/05) 📌 - Specific contents & benefits of the Division System will be disclosed in future.

Division System

In DESPERADO B218, players can gather up with others by joining a Division. The Division is a guild system in DESPERADO B218, which can be created & joined from LUXON Web.

How to open Division system

Players can access to Divison system by clicking 'Division' button from the Lobby.

Players must create OR join a guild on LUXON to use the 'Division' feature in DESPERADO B218. If an account that is not a member of a guild clicks on the Division in DESPERADO B218, they will be redirected to the LUXON Web Page.

Community Features

On the Division screen, players can view information of their Division, and leave messages on the Bulletin Board. Also, Division Masters can create notice on the Notice Board, which is located on left side of the Division menu.

Only up to 10 messages can be posted on the Bulltetin Board, and if messages on the Bulletin Board exceed 10 messages, oldest messages on the Bulletin Board will be deleted.

All members of the Division can also view list of the Division Members, and their login history of DESPERADO B218 from the member tab. (Login History shows the recent login history on DESPERADO B218, which may differ from the login history of LUXON Web.)

Member administration menu for Division Masters are available on LUXON Web. Also, members of the Division can decided to leave the Division on LUXON Web.

Last updated