
📌 Regarding with Dye System (23/07/05) 📌 - The ways to obtain 'Dye' items will be disclosed at a later date.

In ‘DESPERADO B218: The Scars of Exos’, the hair, body, and weapon of agents can be dyed for customization. Through the Dye system, players can give their agent a more unique and personalized appearance, as well as bestow them with special colors that add a distinctive value.

How to use Dye System

Players can access the Dye system on Manage Agent screen.

By using the Dye system, players can give a random color to a selected part of the agent by comsuming 'Dye' item.

Agent Color Section

  • 🔃 Refresh Button - This button will allow players to return the selected part to the original color of the agent. (Requires Dye item)

  • 🔒 Lock Button - This button will allow players to lock the selected part of the agent from getting dyed. (Requires Dye item)

Preview Section

Preview Section allows players to preview the appearance of each part by select colors from the color palette.

  • 🔄 Refresh Button - This button allows players to restore preview of the selected part to the original color.

Even if player does not possess any 'Dye' item, players can always preview the colors for each part through the Dye system.

Last updated