How to participate in DAO

How to participate in DAO

Please Note : DAO for DESPERADO B218 will be held on LUXON Web.

  1. Get on LUXON Web. 👉

  2. Click the DAO button on the top right side of the tab.

  3. Connect your wallet and get on DAO page.

  4. Check the ongoing DAO agenda on [DAO tab > Progress]. - You can also view the result of previous DAO agenda on [Completed] section.

  5. Check the answers you wish to vote for and click the Vote button. - You may vote multiple times for each agenda by using DAO Point.

  6. Enter/Select the number of DAO Point you wish to spend and click the Vote button. - You cannot vote for more than the number of owned DAO Points. - You cannot cancel the vote, so please vote carefully.

  7. Once you vote, the [Vote] mark will appear on the agenda you have participated in.

  8. Final results will be tallied at the end of the voting period.

  9. It takes time to reflect DAO voting results to the game. Please wait for the announcement after DAO end!

Last updated